Monday 5 November 2012

OPI: James Bond Collection: Moonraker (15ml £7.25)

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but until Moonraker, I had never purchased an OPI nail lacquer! I always stuck with cheaper nail polishes and went for colour and cost over durability. However, after hearing good things about OPI and seeing their new limited edition James Bond Collection, I was intrigued enough to spend the extra money.

Firstly, I love the bottle the polish comes in. It’s simple, stylish and doesn’t look cheap. I also like the thick applicator; I’m absolutely rubbish at painting my nails, and I found that the ‘one stroke’ brush prevented the ends of my fingers from looking as if they’d been painted by a toddler.

The colour itself is a striking, metallic grey, with a slight bluish hue. I’m a sucker for anything metallic (previously, Stargazer’s Chrome (£2.69) was my favourite) so I instantly felt drawn to it. Nail polishes such as these take us away from the norm of either red or black (not that there’s anything wrong with red and black nails) and introduce us to a whole new spectrum of experimentation.

A criticism I do have, however, is the formula is a bit thin. I applied 2 coats, thinking that would be enough; my mistake being that I didn’t look closer, and it’s quite streaky with bits of nail showing through the polish in places. This could be easily solved with a third coat, just be prepared to wait for extra drying time.

Three days later and there’s practically no chipping, something which I’m not used to considering I usually use cheaper polishes which chip within around 30 seconds of them drying. This is where I see that paying those extra few pounds for a nail polish pay off; as with everything, you’re paying for quality.

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